One of the most often heard concerns expressed by coaches is that officials will not communicate with them. Because effective communication is a critical component of successful officiating as well as any other of interactive endeavor, we cannot simply dismiss this concern. As officials we need to constantly work at being better communicators. To achieve effective communication we need to be able to define what it is and use certain tools and techniques that enable us to attain it.
What is effective communication?Effective communication involves being a good listener, understanding the issue, responding appropriately, sending the right message and being correctly understood and knowing the difference between effectively communicating and over communicating.
How do we effectively communicate with
Acknowledgement: Acknowledgement can be accomplished as simply as making eye contact
or a nod of the head. You must acknowledge them, initially do not ignore them. Initially ignoring
or dismissing a coach makes effective communication difficult at best.
Be Approachable: Do not send the message of being unapproachable by appearing to
be aloof. Portray confidence, not arrogance. Avoid assuming a defensive posture or body language.
Be open to communication.
Answer Questions: Answer questions not statements. If a coach asks you what
you saw or what a player did, answer the question. If a coach makes a statement, acknowledge the
statement but don’t try to answer it. If the question involves a ruling made by your partner
called, never say, “It’s not my call.” Support your partner, keeping in mind you
cannot answer for him or her and don’t try to.
Brevity: Keep it short. Effectively communicating with a coach does not
mean a dissertation or ongoing dialogue.
Honesty: Be honest. Don’t try to justify or rationalize a mistake.
If you missed a play - admit it. If you got it right, say so in an appropriate way (e.g. “Coach,
I was in good position and had a really good look at the play.”). Honesty is the most effective
way to diffuse a situation.
Choose Your Words Wisely: Listen first and then choose the appropriate words to
communicate the message you want to send. Keep your tone unemotional and never use profanity or
derogatory statements. If you don’t know what to say to convey the message you want to convey,
don’t say anything, but don’t ignore the coach. Keep it professional, not personal.
Know when it is over: Once a coach has been acknowledged, appropriately responded to,
it is time to move on. If coaches continue to press the issue or their point or they begin to repeat
themselves, appropriately let them know that the issue has been addressed and it is time to move on.
These are just a few tools and principles we can use to help us become better in our communication with coaches.
Keep in mind that effective communication is a learned skill that is improved through practice and