As a training organization, CHSBUA is continuing to provide and support training opportunities
for all its members. Most areas have continued local efforts and are an excellent way to stay
on top of new additions to the rule book and simply create an environment to have others watch you
work and provide invaluable feedback. In addition, there are clinics available outside your area that
do the same on a larger scale. If you want to attend one of the clinics available, CHSBUA has money to
help with the costs. Applications for scholarships are due in April. Please use this form for your request.
Each area has developed their own page with a
schedule for their members. Please click on the link below for the specific training and meeting
information for your area. The links below will become active when the area director submits his
area information for the upcoming season. Until then, the below videos are available for
viewing in preparation for the upcoming season.